A Practice Page – not on menu

“Together we will spread the Good News ”

Welcome to our church website. For the church as for the rest of society we have seen great upheaval over the last two years. Many services are now shown on Zoom as well as taking place in church. Also, since June 2021 the Parish has been without a vicar, following the retirement of the Rev Rob Fieldson. Until we welcome our new vicar, we continue to provide a range of worship services and pastoral care through our lay team with support from local clergy.
We continue to provide creative resources to help children engage with faith. For details contact Caroline Mara our Children’s and Families Missioner on 07935 245244 or see the St Andrews and St Michaels Family Facebook Group.  
Church Services

The 9.30am Sunday services are in St Andrew’s Church but can also be accessed via Zoom and young and old alike are very welcome: meeting ID 295 293 9790 and password standrews.
Thursday Morning Fellowship for those who cannot come to the meditation service. It begins with worship and reflection at 10.00am followed by time to chat at 10.30. It’s a lovely fellowship and it would be great to see new faces. Meeting ID 815 6897 6189, password coffeebean.
If you have any of the known symptoms for COVID, please do not attend if you have COVID 19 symptoms.
Sunday service details

foundry logo




 2nd and 4th Sundays 3pm – 4pm Foundry: Church for Everyone. Our Foundry congregation are spending this term outdoors.

Sunday 13th February 3-4pm in the grounds of St Michael’s Church. ‘Wild Church’ with the theme of love.
Reverend Sheri Gidney: 0121 445 1185
Click here for more details...
Safeguarding Policy and Concerns at St Andrew’s and St Michael’s
Click here to access / download our latest safeguarding policy document and contact information for any safeguarding concerns.
Safeguarding Policy Promoting a Safer Church (15 Jun 2021)
Safeguarding Concerns Contact Details (July 2021

Latest Information

For  recent prayer diary, newsletters, sermons and other helpful material, please go

January Prayer Diary

Church Life/Sermons and other resources

Church Life/ Newsletter

Activities for Children and Families


If you’d like to be part of a weekly online Hope Group with 2 or 3 other people, to support each other and find hope in current circumstances, call Caroline on 07935 245244.