
What to expect…

What is baptism?

Baptism is a response to God’s love – a desire and a commitment to respond to God’s call to follow the example of Jesus Christ. It is also a celebration, a time to come together with family and friends; remembering that you are loved by God, are part of a wider community and have a place with God’s people.

The baptism service

The baptism of children, the parents and godparents make decisions and promises on behalf of a child.

The baptism service for adults is similar to the service for a child’s baptism, except that because you make the decision and the promises yourself, there is no role required for parents or godparents (who make decisions and promises on behalf of a child).

You may decide to have supporting friends or ‘sponsors’ – this can be anyone who wishes to encourage you in your Christian faith. It may be a friend, or someone in your family and you may have more than one person if you wish.

You will be invited to prepare for your baptism by reading a relevant book or by attending meetings or events in the church that will help you think about this new beginning. 

The baptism usually takes place on the second or fourth Sunday in the month at the 9.30 a.m. service at St Andrew’s.

Contact our Parish Administrator Nicola Denning on 0121 447 7097 or
